Tuesday, 19 January 2010

My First OSWOA

My first OSWOA and it is a picture of a mouse. The image is titled 'Mouse on Trial' and is drawn with pencil/graphite on white art card. An OSWOA has it's format rules, like an ACEO has it's own rules. OSWOA pictures measure 6 inches by 4 inches which is the same size as a standard photograph.

Friday, 15 January 2010

Captain William Bonner

Portrait of my friend William Bonner posing as a Captain of the USS Enterprise from Star Trek.

Thursday, 14 January 2010

The finished version of 'Serpent Dream' drawn with pencil on A3 paper. I was going to call this image 'The Snake Charmer', but decided to stick with 'Serpent Dream.

Monday, 11 January 2010

Latest W.I.P. (work in progress). I was thinking of calling this picture 'The Snake Charmer', but I think I may call it something else when it is finished. There is actually a bigger border around the main image and the picture is drawn with pencil on A3 sized paper.

Saturday, 9 January 2010

A Couple of ACEOs for 2010

First two ACEOs of 2010. 'The Mouse General' is drawn with graphite pencil and 'The Mouse General takes the Cheese' is drawn with graphite pencil and coloured pencils.

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Little Red Riding Hood - 1st drawing of 2010.

'Little Red Riding Hood' pencil drawing 12" by 8". My first drawing of 2010, other than a couple of ACEOs, which I will post later. Inspired by the artwork of Renata Cavanaugh and modelled by Petra Dunn.